Micro Elements
About Product Molybdenum (Mo) is a trace element found in the soil, and is required for the synthesis and activity of the enzyme nitrate reductase. Molybdenum is vital for the process of symbiotic nitrogen (N) fixation by Rhizobia bacteria in legume root modules. Universal Moliborzn, is a mixed micro-element fertilizerthatsupplies plants with Boron, Zinc, Cobalt and Molybdenum during sensitive stages of life cycle such as flowering, pollination, fruit set
Guaranteed Content
% w/w
Water Soluble Boron (B)
Water Soluble Cobalt (Co)
Water Soluble Molybdenum (Mo)
Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)
Application Methods and Dosages • Soil Application 100 gr / 100 lt water / da
• Foliar Application 70-80 gr / 100 lt water / da
(It is advised to use fertilizer after soil and/or foliar analysis. Stated usage dosages are avarage dosages according to analysis results which are done by our company. It can be different according to soil structure. For best usage dosages, consult our company or nearest dealer.) PACKING TYPES : 250GR