Liquid Micro Elements
About Product FOLIAMEL ZINCPLUS, is a fertilizer which contains %6 Zinc (Zn) in gel form that complexed by a special chelate agent. It can be used by either leaf or soil applicatoins and has a high absrption and transfer rate.FOLIAMEL ZINCPLUS maintains balance between vegetative stage and productive stage in plant life cycle and increasesthe yield. FoliamelZincplus eliminates and recovers zinc deficiency symptoms in crops
Guaranteed Content
% w/w
Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)
Application Methods and Dosages • Vegetables; 250 - 500 cc / da (Drip Irrigation Application) • Vegetables; 100 - 200 cc / da / 100 Lt Water (Foliar Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops; 300 - 550 cc / da (Drip Irrigation Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops; 350 - 600 cc / da (Flooding Irrigation Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops;
• 150 - 250 cc / da / 100 Lt Water (Foliar Application)
(It is advised to use fertilizer after soil and/or foliar analysis. Stated usage dosages are avarage dosages according to analysis results which are done by our company. It can be different according to soil structure. For best usage dosages, consult our company or nearest dealer.) PACKING TYPES : 1LT(1,4KG)