Bucket Fertilizers
About Product It is a very effective fertilizer which can be applied either by soil or foliar, and increases the quality and size of the products before harvest.It gives excellent results in the production of vegetables, especially in tomatoes, preventing small fruits and quality deficiencies.Itandstimulates growth and ripening of fruits and vegetables and enriches their color. It increases the taste and aroma of fruits and vegetables, the quality of fruits and vegetables, storage and shelf life of sensitive fruits, the fat content in crops and kernel filling in pistachio nuts.Prevents loose tissue formation by increasing turgor pressure and decreasing stress. Increases resistance of plant against to diseases and negative environmental conditions by providing tight tissue formation.
Guaranteed Content
% w/w
Total Nitrogen (N)
Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N)
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O)
Application Methods and Dosages • Vegetables; 1-2 Kg / da (Drip Irrigation Application)
• Vegetables; 250-300 cc / da / 100 Lt Water (Foliar Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops; 1-2 Kg / da (Drip Irrigation Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops; 1-3 Kg / da (Flooding Irrigation Application)
• Fruit Trees and Field Crops; 250-300 cc / da / 100 Lt Water (Foliar Application)
(It is advised to use fertilizer after soil and/or foliar analysis. Stated usage dosages are avarage dosages according to analysis results which are done by our company. It can be different according to soil structure. For best usage dosages, consult our company or nearest dealer.) PACKING TYPES : 10KG